Tuesday, June 10, 2008

So close yet seems so far!

So I am getting so close it's getting a little nerve racking. I believe I have tried just about everything that people have suggested and still no baby yet! Contractions are present but for once I am wishing they were painful! I hope the baby is just waiting until the doctor is back in town and then she will decide to come. Who knows. Until then I still wake up super uncomfortable and sore but not in a lot of pain. Brad keeps waiting for a phone call at work or some startling noise in the middle of the night to make him fly out of bed! It's kind of funny that even he is a little jumpy and on edge lately. Anyways, wish us luck and I hope she decides to come before Father's Day or our Anniversary. We need a little space between some of these events.


Bree said...

That's funny. That's how Owen was when I was about 2 weeks out. I was going to call you yesterday to see if anything had changed yet, but obviously not! Oh man, I know how you feel, I hate the last FEW days and not a thing happening. Well, keep me posted. Love ya

Meghan said...

You better call when you go into labor! Even if it is 2:00 in the morning! I want a call :) I wish I could figure out something to get this little girl out! I have never carried this far, so I don't even have any suggestions! Keep me posted :) And, if you don't have her before Saturday, since my kids will be out of town, we should do dinner or something!

Tonya said...

Taylor said you weren't at YW last night so we were hopeful...be sure to let us know. Hang in there!

Staci said...

So are you dialted, efaced...what's the status? I can't believe it is already here and you are going to be the mother of four.

Shannon Allen said...

Good luck! You are just about there! Logan's birthday is on the 17th so you could have her then.. but I know you are ready to have her now!

Let us know!

Rachel Garner said...

Oh! I can't wait for you. Did you decide what things you want for your meal? Send the menu back to me and I will arrange...and I will set up meals as soon as the little muffin is done cookin'. ha ha ha.
good to see you at the park today. Addie loves Brinly.

Meghan said...

Let me be the first to say CONGRATS! I knew little Skylar (did I spell that right??) would arrive soon! I knew all the walking would pay off, and my trusty rusty trampoline ;) Its helped many of my friends go into labor! LOL! I'll pop in sometime in the next week, unless you need something call me!

Rachel Garner said...

Yihoooooo! I am so thrilled for you!!! I had so much fun walking this week and I am so glad you are on your way back to comfort. Many blessings. I have been so worried about smudge snapping at your girls...I also am so embarrassed that I called him an idiot in front of your girls. I think I scared Brinly. Let me know what meal you want me to bring, and when. How long is your Mom in town? When do you want the meals to start pouring in??? Can't wait to meet the newest adition! Hope all are well.

Bree said...

I am so EXCITED! I Can't wait to see the best looking NEW baby around!!! (; Love you and I am so glad everything went PERFECT for you!!!